21+ Opulence Farmhouse Catering Foods Decor Ideas

However, doing so generates an on-going expense and doesn’t always deliver in the durability and aesthetics departments.

Reusable small plates made from melamine, plastic, and metal not only produce high-end presentations, but they considerably reduce the year-over-year price operators should budget for due to reduced replacement prices. Additionally, each of these materials are sturdy and won’t fall or fold in on your guests.

Some caterers may even have the ability to charge more for their services due to updated presentations. Reusable small plates might just translate into saving money while simultaneously pulling in higher-priced occasions.
To help caterers visualize beautiful small plate presentations, we have curated a photo book of small plate-inspired ideas featuring reusable materials like melamine, plastic, and metal, to light the inspirational fire.

For individuals who might not be prepared to change to reusable materials, don’t worry. We didn’t leave you hanging. Watch the previous couple entries here for some small plate ideas featuring gorgeous disposable products that are also hardy and environmentally-friendly.

Scroll through and tell us in the comments which ideas are the favorites, or share your own ideas with us.

image source :pinterest.com

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