25+ Good Examples To Help You Design A Room For A Young Girl Ideas

Talking about a girl room idea, there must be some of them that come to our minds. Well, a girl’s bedroom is commonly in pink with many flowers around it. Themes like Disney Princess and Shabby Chic are considered ideal for them. Of course, those ideas are not wrong. The problem is, not all girls have the same tastes and favorite themes. Yes, not all young girls like pink and Disney Princess. So, in case your daughter is no longer a toddler, it is much better to ask her first, what kind of bedroom theme she likes.

Meanwhile, when your daughter is too young to share her opinion, it is not bad to try other ideas aside from applying pink color and other common girly stuff. You can combine some pastel colors in the bedroom to deepen the sense of cheerfulness. A combination of baby blue, milky orange and light green is a good idea to make the bedroom feel more refreshing.

A bedroom for girls must also not always have things like ruffles and floral accents. If your home living generally applies a modern and minimalist design, sure, the kid’s bedroom can apply it also. However, although the bedroom details and cutting are mostly in a minimalist idea, the bedroom should still look colorful.

Details and accents are still important in a bedroom if you want to make it look more beautiful. Young girls may love cute ornaments with cartoon nuance. Besides, for toddlers and babies, their toys are enough to be their bedroom ornaments. Make sure to arrange them neatly on the shelves.

Well, it is although later, when they are playing, the room simply turns into a mess. Some important components must still be there for a healthy bedroom. For example, there are enough windows or ventilation. Those things are very important for a girl room idea.

Image Source : pinterest.com

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