70+ Good Dorm Room Organization Ideas on A Budget

Living in the dorm can be one of the fun and unique experiences to get during your college years. From sharing food or bathrooms, noisy hallways full of students, or getting different roommates, those are the things that could be an exciting story to tell and share after you graduate. Only part that could be less exciting, is the small and crumped room that most students get if they are less fortunate. If you are one of them, maybe these dorm room ideas might help you to at least create cozy and convenient space.

The characteristic of the inspirations to decorate your dorm is usually down into two things: space-friendly and stylish. It is a challenge itself in organizing things in tiny room, moreover to decorate it beautifully. There should be enough space for everything: studying, sleeping, relaxing, or entertaining yourself. The problem can grow in double if you have a roommate. That’s why the dorm room ideas below are provided with sensibility.

The ideas should fit with your room circumstances. For example, does your dorm have high ceiling? If so, you can incorporate the loft bed. If it doesn’t, then you may opt for lifted bed instead. Multifunctional furniture is an old trick to try by using modern furnishing. A lot of students that lift in the dorm are choosing this type of furniture such as the table that can be used as seat or ottoman, with hidden storage.

Whichever dorm room ideas that you take as inspiration, do not forget to put your personal touch to the room. It doesn’t have to be all over the place; maybe you just should have changed the layout a little bit from the standard one. Trying new room configuration, applying removable wallpaper, or putting a unique shaped mirror are just several ways to achieve personalization on the decoration.

Image Source: Pinterest.com

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