40+ Beautiful Shabby Chic Wedding Decoration Ideas

Wedding is the best moment when two people bind in holy matrimony. During that day, everything has to be in perfect mode, including the decoration. For such purpose, many ideas are available that you can choose for wedding decoration. One of interesting choices is shabby chic theme.

Before exploring more about this theme, you should know what this decoration is about. Chic means elegant that’s suitable to represent wedding. Shabby chic utilizes elegant and nature in one place. That idea sounds simple but not in term of implementation. Nature with chic concept must be in equal level. You might think to add green decoration with flower, and trees are enough for shabby chic. That’s good try but you should focus more on flower and floral pattern. The key is this concept should blend into nature.

As alternative, you can try vintage approach when implementing shabby chic as wedding decoration. Vintage puts extra touch on the old and elegant aspects. On the other hand, something that looks old is common for nature. You already have two themes for the wedding day: vintage and shabby chic. This is interesting implementation that you should consider for wedding.

The next thing is about the way you apply this idea into real decoration. If have no idea about wedding and related decoration, you should take time and learn it step by step. As solution, you can hire professional wedding organizer and request for what you want. This is quick option but there is a chance for preparing on your own. Shabby chic is not fixed style based on the rule. You have many options when certain decoration and items are not available.

For starting point, you can pick something with floral persona. Try tablecloth, flower vase, candleholder, and picture frame. After the floral is done, it is time to extend with romantic side. Add heart shaped items with bright color. This is what wedding decoration supposed to be.

Image Source: Pinterest.com

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